Asal-usul Ikan Duyung (Cerita Rakyat Nusantara dari Sulawesi Tengah)
- Updated: Januari 9, 2024

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ASAL USUL IKAN DUYUNG (Cerita Rakyat Nusantara dari Sulawesi Tengah)
Dahulu, ada kisah sebuah keluarga bahagia.
Setiap pagi, mereka sarapan bersama.
Selesai sarapan, sang ayah berangkat ke kebun untuk bekerja.
Suatu hari, selesai sarapan, sang ayah berpesan kepada istrinya agar menyimpan sisa ikan di lemari untuk dimakannya nanti sore.
Namun ketika makan siang tiba, anak yang paling kecil meminta makan dengan lauk yang ada di lemari.

Ibunya membujuknya agar ia makan dengan lauk yang lain.
Namun, anak itu malah terus menangis.
Si ibu semakin bingung.
Anak itu terus saja menangis dan tidak mau makan dengan lauk lainnya.
Si ibu tidak tega melihat anaknya menangis dengan perut yang masih kosong.
Akhirnya, ikan itu pun diberikan juga pada anaknya.
Sorenya, sang Ayah pulang dengan perut lapar.
Ia segera menemui istrinya dan meminta menyiapkan makan.
Lalu istrinya menceritakan kejadian tadi.
Betapa marahnya sang Ayah mendengar itu.
Meski sudah dibujuk, suaminya masih tetap marah-marah sampai malam.
Akhirnya, malam itu istrinya pergi ke laut sambil menangis tanpa sepengetahuan ketiga anaknya.
Pagi harinya, ketiga anak itu mencari-cari ibu mereka sampai ke pantai.
Tiba di pantai, mereka berteriak-teriak memanggil ibunya.
Lalu ibunya muncul dari permukaan laut.
Kemudian menyusui anaknya yang paling kecil.
Esok harinya anak-anak itu kembali ke laut mencari ibunya.
Mereka berteriak -teriak memanggil ibunya.
Si ibu muncul dari dalam laut.
Ia segera menyusui anak bungsunya dengan penuh kasih sayang.
Namun, lama-kelamaan tanpa disadari tubuh sang ibu sudah mulai bersisik seperti ikan.
Anak-anaknya tidak percaya kalau dia adalah ibunya.
Karena yang mereka tahu ibunya tidak bersisik.
Betapa sedih hati sang ibu karena anak-anaknya tidak mengakui dirinya ibu mereka lagi.
Kini tubuh si ibu sudah dipenuhi sisik seperti ikan duyung.
Maka sejak saat itu, si ibu itu tinggal di laut sebagai ikan duyung. ***
Pesan Moral
Kemarahan yang tidak dapat dikendalikan akan menimbulkan malapetaka dan bencana.
THE ORIGIN OF MERMAN FISH (Indonesian Folklore from Central Sulawesi)
Once upon a time, there was a story of a happy family.
Every morning, they have breakfast together.
After breakfast, the father went to the garden to work.
One day, after breakfast, the father told his wife to put the remaining fish in the cupboard for her to eat later in the afternoon.
However, when lunch arrived, the youngest child asked to eat with the side dishes in the cupboard.
His mother persuaded him to eat it with other side dishes.
However, the child continued to cry.

The mother became increasingly confused.
The child kept crying and didn’t want to eat other side dishes.
The mother couldn’t bear to see her child crying with an empty stomach.
Finally, the fish was also given to his son.
In the afternoon, the father came home with a hungry stomach.
He immediately met his wife and asked her to prepare food.
Then his wife told the incident earlier.
How angry the father heard that.
Even though she had been persuaded, her husband was still angry until the evening.
Finally, that night his wife went to sea crying without the knowledge of her three children.

In the morning, the three children looked for their mother all the way to the beach.
Arriving at the beach, they shouted for their mother.
Then his mother appeared from the surface of the sea.
Then breastfeed the youngest child.
The next day the children returned to the sea looking for their mother.
They screamed for their mother.
The mother emerged from the sea.
She immediately breastfed her youngest child with great affection.
However, over time, without realizing it, the mother’s body began to have scales like a fish.
Her children do not believe that she is their mother.
Because what they know his mother is not scaled.
How sad the mother’s heart is because her children no longer recognize her as their mother.
Now the mother’s body is covered with scales like a mermaid.
So from then on, the mother lived in the sea as a mermaid. ***
Moral message
Uncontrolled anger will lead to havoc and disaster.