Free Download Ebook Cerita Anak Bergambar: Rathna dan Cincin Api


Rathna dan Cincin Api_001

Selama satu menit penuh, matahari akan menghilang di balik bulan, dan cincin api akan terlihat sebagai gantinya.

Rathna, sang astronom, sangat bersemangat.

Saksikan kesibukannya dalam satu hari di planetarium.

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Sumber dan Kontributor

  • Original story Rathna and the Ring of Fire by Pratham Books
  • Written by Nandita Jayaraj
  • Illustrated by Shivam Choudhary
  • Translated by Erna Kristianti for Badan Pengembangan dan Pembinaan Bahasa

All the content on StoryWeaver is openly licensed under Creative Commons. The license that has been used for all stories and illustrations is CCBY4.0. This license lets you distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon our work, even commercially, as long as you credit us, Pratham Books, the donor/funder of the book, and the original author, illustrator and translator, where applicable, for the original creation.

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