Kenapa Nabi Ibrahim Kecil Dibuang ke dalam Hutan?
- Updated: Agustus 27, 2023

Oleh: Kak Nurul Ihsan dan tim

Terdengar suara tangis seorang bayi laki-laki.
Suaranya begitu kencang sehingga dapat membuat siapa saja yang mendengarnya iba.
Namun, tidak ada yang mendengar suara tangisannya.
Bayi itu berada di dalam sebuah gua yang terletak di dalam hutan.
Bayi tersebut begitu kesepian di gua yang gelap.
Tiba-tiba, tangisan bayi itu terhenti.
Rupanya bayi itu kelelahan karena terlalu lama menangis.
Kemudian, bayi itu tertidur pulas sambil mengisap jari-jarinya.
Setelah hari itu, tidak terdengar lagi suara tangisnya.
Yang ada hanya suara tawa bahagia.
Ternyata bayi itu adalah Nabi Ibrahim sewaktu masih bayi.
Nabi Ibrahim kecil berada di dalam gua karena terpaksa.
Orangtua Nabi Ibrahim terpaksa membuang Nabi Ibrahim kecil ke dalam hutan karena tidak ingin bayinya itu dibunuh oleh tentara Raja Namruz.
Raja Namruz mengeluarkan peraturan, bahwa di negaranya tidak boleh ada keluarga yang merawat bayi laki-laki.
Apabila lahir seorang bayi laki-laki, bayi itu harus dibunuh.
Raja Namruz mengeluarkan peraturan tersebut karena dia merasa cemas, bahwa suatu hari nanti akan ada seorang laki-laki dari bangsanya yang akan menghancurkan kerajaannya.
Orangtua Nabi Ibrahim tidak mau melihat bayinya dibunuh.
Oleh karena itu, terpaksa mereka membuang Nabi Ibrahim kecil ke dalam gua.
Semenjak itu, ibunda Nabi Ibrahim selalu memikirkan Nabi Ibrahim kecil.
Azar, ayahanda Nabi Ibrahim selalu berusaha menghibur istrinya.
“Mengapa wajahmu selalu murung?” tanya Azar begitu melihat istrinya merenung di dalam rumah.
“Aku teringat bayi kita, Ibrahim,” jawab ibunda Nabi Ibrahim.
“Jangan engkau cemaskan bayi kita. Lebih baik nasibnya seperti itu, daripada kita melihatnya dibunuh tentara Raja Namruz,” jelas Azar berusaha menenangkan istrinya.
“Bagaimana kalau kita kembali ke dalam hutan untuk melihat keadaan bayi kita, Pak?” tanya ibunda Nabi Ibrahim penasaran.
“Percuma saja, tentu saja bayi kita sudah meninggal. Jangan membuat dirimu semakin menderita, istriku,” tegas ayahanda Nabi Ibrahim.
(QS. Al-An’am: 74-79)

Why was Little Prophet Ibrahim Thrown into the Forest?
There was the sound of a baby boy crying.
His voice was so loud that it could make anyone who heard it pity.
However, no one heard the sound of her crying.
The baby is in a cave located in the forest.
The baby is so lonely in the dark cave.
Suddenly, the baby’s crying stopped.
Apparently the baby was exhausted from crying too long.
Then, the baby fell asleep while sucking his fingers.
After that day, there was no more sound of crying.
There was only the sound of happy laughter.
It turned out that the baby was the Prophet Abraham when he was still a baby.
Little Prophet Ibrahim was in the cave because he had to.
Prophet Ibrahim’s parents were forced to throw little Prophet Ibrahim into the forest because they did not want their baby to be killed by King Namruz’s soldiers.
King Namruz issued a rule, that in his country no family could take care of baby boys.
If a baby boy is born, that baby must be killed.
King Namruz issued the regulation because he was worried that one day a man from his nation would destroy his kingdom.
Prophet Ibrahim’s parents did not want to see their baby killed.
Therefore, they were forced to throw the little Prophet Abraham into the cave.
Since then, Prophet Ibrahim’s mother always thought of Prophet Abraham as a child.
Azar, the father of Prophet Ibrahim always tried to comfort his wife.
“Why is your face always gloomy?” asked Azar when he saw his wife contemplating in the house.
“I remember our baby, Ibrahim,” replied the mother of Prophet Ibrahim.
“Don’t worry about our baby. It’s better for him to have such a fate, than for us to see him killed by King Namruz’s soldiers,” explained Azar trying to calm his wife.
“How about we go back into the woods to see how our baby is doing, sir?” asked the mother of Prophet Ibrahim curious.
“It’s useless, of course our baby has died. Don’t make yourself suffer even more, my wife,” said Abraham’s father.
(QS. Al-An’am: 74-79)

- Penulis: Rani Yulianti
- Penyunting: Kak Nurul Ihsan
- Ilustrator: Dini Tresnadewi dan Aep Saepudin
- Desainer dan layouter: Jumari, Nurul Ihsan
- Penerbit: Erlangga For Kids (Jakarta, Indonesia)